Mua sách gốc tại các trang thương mại uy tín                        




 MÃ ĐỀ 014




Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1,0 điểm)

I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại.

1. A. information                    B. informative                         C. forward                    D. formal

2. A. shout                              B. through                               C. mountain                D. household

3. A. teenager                          B. message                              C. village           D. advantage

II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác so với các từ còn lại.

4. A. deposit                           B. festival                                 C. institute         D. resident

5. A. surprising                       B. astonishing                           C. amazing      D. interesting 

                                           PHẦN B: NGỮ PHÁP VÀ TỪ VỰNG (4,0 điểm)

I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

6. My house (build) ____________ at present.

7. We (always/make) ____________ to work hard by our parents.

8. Did you advise Jane (join) ____________ in the Vietnamese speaking contest?

9. What you (do) ____________ if you had a lot of money?

10. To avoid (attack) ____________ again, the millionaire hired some guards.

II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

11. He is a very ____________ carpenter. (SKILL)

12. Don’t worry. I ‘ll be waiting for you at the ________  to the pagoda. (ENTER)

13. The old theater of our city is being enlarged and ________. (MODERN)

14. ________, the typhoon didn't cause any damage on the village. (LUCKY)

15. Advertisements acount for three fourths of the ________ of the newspaper. (COME)

III. Chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.

16. They_________Ho Chi Minh City last summer.

A. visit                                                B. will visit                              C. have visit                D. visited

17. He asked me if I_________to school by bicycle every day.

A. am going                            B. go                                       C. was going               D. went

18. _________Friday morning, there is a meeting between 11am and 1 pm.

A. In                                        B. For                                      C. On                          D. At

19. The article was posted by Jimhello on Tuesday,_________?

A. didn’t it                              B. wasn’t it                             C. was it                      D. did it

20. She was sick yesterday,_________she was absent from school.

A. since                                   B. so                                        C. because                   D. but

21. You really saw a UFO, _________?

A. aren’t you                           B. don’t you                            C. didn’t you              D. weren’t you

22. If Mr. John_________rich, he would travel around the world.

A. is                                         B. will be                                 C. was                         D. were

23. Lan_________the train if she_________in a hurry.

A. will miss/ is not                  B. misses/ is not                      C. misses/ is                D. will miss/ does not

24. The book_________is on the table belongs to my brother.

A. which                                 B. where                                  C. whose                     D. who

25. I didn’t go to the party yesterday because _________.

A. I am sick                             B. I will be sick                       C. I was sick               D. I would be sick

PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU (3,0 điểm)

I.  Chọn một từ thích hợp điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

            Travelling to all corners of the world is (26) _______ easier and easier. We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other ? Here is a simple test. Imagine you have arranged a meeting at  4 p.m . What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they are German, they ‘ll be exactly (27) _______ time. If they are American, they ‘ll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are Bristish, they be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Indians. Therefore, these are some small  advice in (28) _______ not to behave badly abroad. In France you shouldn’t sit down in a cafard untill you are shaken hands with everyone you know. In Afghanistan you ‘d  better spend at last 5 minutes saying hello.  In  Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It is offensive. In the Middle East  you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking. Also, you should care not to admire anything in your host’s home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.In Russia you must your hosts drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly. In Thailand you should clasp your hands (29) _______ and lower your head and your eyes when you  greet  someone. In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as (30) _______. You shouldn’t try to have a conversation  until it is eaten.

II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A , B, C hoặc D. 

            Devastating floods along the coast have left many people homeless. People are asked to help by donating food, clothes, furniture, and other supplies to the Assistance Fund. Donations of bottled water are especially needed, since the floods have disrupted the local water supply. In addition, volunteers are needed to travel to the flooded area to help distribute the donations.

31. What does this notice concern?

A. Help for flood victims       B. Safety precaution   C. Dangerous roads    D. Warning about weather

32. What kind of supplies is NOT mentioned?

A. Furniture                            B. Clothing                 C Food.                                   D. Medicine

33. In addition to supplies, what is needed?

A. Volunteers                          B. New bridges           C. Places to stay                      D. Teacher

34. “Devastating floods” in line 1 refer to those that_________.

A. happen suddenly                B. are very short          C. last for a long time             D. cause a lot of damage

35. The word “donating” in line 2 is closest in meaning to_________.

A. selling                                 B. buying                    C. giving                                 D. taking

III. Chọn một đáp án trong số A, B, C hoặc D điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

            Today, computer companies sell many different programs for computers. First, there are programs for doing math problems. (36)_________, there are programs for scientific studies. Third, some programs are like fancy typewriters. They are often used by writers and business people. Other (37)_________are made for courses in schools and universities. And finally, there are programs for fun. They include word games and puzzles for children and adults. There are many wonderful new computer programs, but there are other reasons to like (38)_________. Some people like the way computers hum and sing when they (39)_________. It is a happy sound, like the sounds of toy and childhood. Computers also have lights and pretty pictures. And computers even seem to have personalities. That may sound strange, but computers seem to have feelings. Sometimes they seem happy, sometimes they seem angry. It is easy (40)_________they are like people.

36.   A. Two                            B. Second                               C. Twice                                  D. Double

37.   A. programs                    B. people                                 C. students                              D. typewriters

38.   A. programs                    B. reasons                                C. games                                 D. computers

39.   A. work                           B. have worked                       C. are working                        D. worked

40.   A. to think                       B. thinking                              C. for thinking                                    D. that thought

PHẦN D: VIẾT (2,0 điểm)

I. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý.

41. Can you use this computer?

à You can _____________________________________________________.

42. I can’t remember the answers to these questions.

à I wish ________________________________________________________.

43. “I must go to Ha Noi tomorrow.” said Nam.

à Nam said ___________________________________________________________.

44. Nga spends 4 hours a day practicing English with her friends.

à It takes ____________________________________________________.

45. It was such a cold day that we stayed indoors.

à So _____________________________________________________________.

II. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, sử dụng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc đơn (không được thay đổi dạng của từ trong ngoặc).  

46. Because Jane was sick, she couldn’t come to class. (FACT)

47. This is the most amusing thing I have ever read. (SUCH)

48. I have worked for this factory for 5 years. (STARTED)

49. These students finish the homework everyday. (FINISHED)

­50. The local council has considered mass tourism the cause of the environmental problems. (PUT)





MÃ ĐỀ 014





Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề


PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1,0 điểm)

I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại.

1. A. information               2. B. through                   3. A. teenager                 

II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác so với các từ còn lại.

4. A                                    5. D                                


I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

6. is being built                  7. are always made                                     8. to join

9. would you do                10. being attacked

II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

11. skillful      

12. entrance

13. modernized

14. Luckily

15. incomes

III. Chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.

16. D. visited                     17. D. went                     18. C. On                        19. B. wasn’t it

20. B. so                            21. C. didn’t you             22. D. were                     23. A. will miss/ is not

24. A. which                      25. C. I was sick

PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU (3,0 điểm)

I.  Chọn một từ thích hợp trong ô dưới đây điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

26. getting                   27. on                          28. order                      29. together              30. possible

II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một đáp án đúng trong số A , B, C hoặc D. 

31. A. Help for flood victims             32. D. Medicine                                  33. A. Volunteers       

34. D. cause a lot of damage              35. C. giving

III. Chọn một đáp án trong số A, B, C hoặc D điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

36. B. Second             37. A. programs          38. D. computers         39. C. are working        40. A.to think

PHẦN D: VIẾT (2,0 điểm)

I. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, bắt đầu bằng từ gợi ý.

41. à You can use this computer, can’t you?

42. à I wish I could remember the answers to these questions.

43. à Nam said he had to go to Ha Noi the next/following day .

44. à It takes Nga 4 hours a day to practice English with her friends.

45. à So cold was the day that we stayed indoors.

II. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, sử dụng từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc đơn ( không được thay đổi dạng của từ trong ngoặc).  

46. à Because of the fact that Jane was sick, she couldn’t come to class.

47. à  I have never read such an amusing thing before.

48. à I started working/to work for this factory 5 years ago.

49. à The homework is finished by these students everyday.

50. à The local council has put the blame on mass tourism for the cause of environmental problems.