[PDF] Đề Luyện Tập Môn Tiếng Anh Vào 10 - Phạm Thị Mai Hương

[PDF] Đề Luyện Tập Môn Tiếng Anh Vào 10 - Phạm Thị Mai Hương

[PDF] Đề Luyện Tập Môn Tiếng Anh Vào 10 - Phạm Thị Mai Hương

[PDF] Đề Luyện Tập Môn Tiếng Anh Vào 10 - Phạm Thị Mai Hương

Mua sách gốc tại các trang thương mại uy tín                        

 Reading Comprehension:

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

The Solar System

The solar system consists of the Sun and the celestial bodies that orbit around it. The eight planets, including Earth, are a part of the solar system. Mercury and Venus are the closest planets to the Sun, while Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are located farther away. Each planet has its unique characteristics and is composed of various elements.


Which two planets are closest to the Sun?

Name the outermost planet in the solar system.

How many planets are there in total?


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verb form.

My friends and I _____ (go) to the cinema last night.

She always _____ (read) a book before bedtime.

By the time we arrive, they _____ (already/finish) the project.


Write a short paragraph (about 100 words) describing your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.

These types of questions are commonly found in English entrance exams for grade 10. They assess a student's reading comprehension skills, grammar proficiency, and ability to express themselves in writing.