[PDF] VIP 90 Tài liệu Tuần 1 2024 Vũ Mai Phương

[PDF] VIP 90 Tài liệu Tuần 1 2024 Vũ Mai Phương

[PDF] VIP 90 Tài liệu Tuần 1 2024 Vũ Mai Phương

[PDF] VIP 90 Tài liệu Tuần 1 2024 Vũ Mai Phương

Mua sách gốc tại các trang thương mại uy tín                        

 Question 7. The conference will begin..................

a. when all the guests were arriving

b. as soon as all the guests arrive

c. before all the guests arrived.

d. after all the guests had arrived

Question 8. Only after the tour guide .................... us about the history of the site did we find it interesting to explore

a. had told 

b. has told

c. was telling

d. tells