[PDF] Bộ Đề Nắm Chắc 8+ Tiếng Anh Ôn Thi THPT 2023

[PDF] Bộ Đề Nắm Chắc 8+ Tiếng Anh Ôn Thi THPT 2023

Mua sách gốc tại các trang thương mại uy tín                        

 Social networking has changed the way we communicate with each other. We can now  connect with people all over the world in a instant. But is it as good as so (26)............ people seem to think it is?. Personally speaking, I've go nothing against social networking sites if people use them responsibly. (27)..........., when people share too much information about themselves, you may end up with serious privacy issues. This is especially true for younger users, such as pre-teen, (28)........... may reveal more than they sould. They may often do this without realizing that everyone can see what they've posted online - not just their friends.